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What are the Difference between Lab-Grown and Natural Diamonds

2024-12-20 16:35:14
What are the Difference between Lab-Grown and Natural Diamonds

Everyone loves diamonds, they are pretty and sparkly. Because they give fantastic spark and stiff nature to them is thought of precious and wonderful. People all over the world have cherished diamonds for a really long time. You have two main types of diamonds. Lab-grown diamond Natural Diamond Natural diamonds are not created by scientists in a lab; they form over billions of years deep within the earth. Read and find out what these two kinds of diamonds are different in. 

The Process of Making Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds 

How Lab-Grown Diamonds are Created vs Naturally Created. They create lab-grown diamonds -- which is scientists trying to mimic the way that nature builds them. Using some drilling machines and machinery, they produce diamonds more quickly. In other words, lab-grown diamonds can be produced with speed and cost-effectiveness. On a different note, natural diamonds are created at the depths of the Earth´s crust and take millions of years to form. 

These diamonds, on the surface may very well look almost identical however they are incredibly different! Lab-grown diamonds are identical to natural ones in their appearance and feel. They are of the same chemical compound, structure and level of hardness. However, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment and hence they come out almost perfect. They won't have the imperfections that natural diamonds do. These types of imperfection and other specific markings give natural diamonds their charm by making each one different from the rest. 

Factors that Impact Diamond Price 

The color, clarity of stone its carat weight and the cut determine the value or price that is affixed to a diamond. Lab diamonds are also typically cheaper than natural ones, because they're easier to create in a lab and can be made much more cheaply at scale. Also, lab-created diamonds have less of an environmental impact associated to mining natural diamond from the earth. 

Among the existing options, natural diamonds are deemed exotic and that is at least in part what makes them more expensive. People desire natural diamonds because they are rare and commonly represent luxury and sophistication. How rare the diamond is and how much people want it decides what price a natural diamond will be sold. 

Lab-Grown Diamonds Vs Natural Diamonds: Which One to Go For? 

For many should I buy lab-grown diamond or natural diamond, this is a may be difficult choice. If you need a diamond and want it to be cheaper, lab-grown diamonds are awesome. These diamonds are friendly for the environment and eco-sustainable. Almost identical to their natural counterparts, lab-grown diamonds and are a nearly perfect match — but they come in all colors of the rainbow along with varying sizes that would be hard to find mined. 

Others on the opposite side still adamant with natural diamonds. They state that the brilliance of natural diamonds is just irreplaceable by synthesized ones. Natural diamonds have a rich history that spans millions of years, and since they are all unique in their own ways this adds to the allure some people feel for them. Natural diamond is being bought my many people who treat them as articles to treasure or even investments. They could be also very personal as they signify specific times in someone's life such as engagements, and anniversaries etc. 

What diamond is most suitable for you? 

Choosing the diamond that is right for you will depend on your preferences and most importantly, your budget. A lab-grown diamond can offer an ideal solution if you are looking for a cost-effective, eco-friendly and precious stone. And you can feel environmentally friendly when making it. But, if you are after a diamond with its own root origin story and an aura of long history then the natural diamond is your way to go. 

Explore our extensive lab-grown diamond inventory now!

White and fancy color lab-grown diamonds in various sizes and shapes;
Offered as certified/uncertified stones, matched pairs, and calibrated parcels.