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What is the Difference between Lab-Grown and Simulated Diamonds?

2024-12-02 16:34:40
What is the Difference between Lab-Grown and Simulated Diamonds?

Diamonds are beautiful and durable gemstones that have been adored by people all across the globe for centuries. What makes them unique is that they reflect light with the ability to glitter and twinkle like stars on a moonless night. When you are in the market for a diamond, there are typically two types mentioned; lab-created diamonds and simulated diamonds. Let's find out more about what are these diamonds and how you can differentiate between them. 

Lab-Grown and Simulated Diamonds What are Lab Created and Simulated diamonds? 

Lab-Grown Diamonds: 

Lab-grown diamonds are actually created by the appropriate scientists in laboratories. Unlike these scientists, who use high tech machines to create crystals that closely resemble diamonds. This is initiated with a minuscule portion of diamond referred to as a "seed". This particular seed is placed under extreme amounts of pressure and heat. This approach is called "High Pressure High Temperature" (HPHT). There is also another way called the "chemical vapor deposition" (CVD). Here, researchers use a gaseous mixture and heat it up until the gases crystallize as diamonds over the seed, Both these processes grow diamonds that are chemically and physically identical to those found deep underground. 

Simulated Diamonds: 

However, simulated diamonds are not actually diamonds These all have different materials that are made to resemble diamonds. Synthetic diamonds are typically produced using generally common materials like this cubic zirconia, moissanite and white sapphire. These dictionaries are crafted and polished to match diamonds, but they are not physically hard and shiny like a diamond. Upon close inspection, they may not sparkle as much or have t-instead hint of color compared to authentic diamonds. 

How to Tell Them Apart 

While lab-grown diamonds and simulated diamonds may appear identical to natural, earth-mined diamonds, there are several differences between the two that allow those experts to distinguish one diamond type from the other. One method is that to go through the price. Compared to a natural diamond, lab-grown diamonds are generally cheaper, but they cost more than simulated diamond_. They can also be distinguished based on how they reflect light. Real diamonds sparkle far more than this, as well as have something called 'fire', meaning they display many colours in the light. If you employ a special device, known as a loupe and will be considered a magnifying glass, you might witness these tiny marks or exclusive characteristics contained the diamond. These distinctive features can assist you in determining whether a diamond is grown in a lab or mined naturally. 

Comparing Prices 

A lab-created or simulated diamond may be the best choice if you desire a diamond but do not want to spend much money. Typically lab-grown diamonds are approximately 30% less expensive than their natural counterparts. But those are still pricier than simulant diamonds. The lab grown diamond can cost depending upon its size, color, clarity and cut. Synthetic diamonds, on the other hand, are a lot cheaper and can vary from just a couple of bucks depending on material and grade. 

Advantages of Lab Created Diamonds 

Your lab-grown diamond is also an environmentally friendly and ethically sound choice, which is important to know. Natural diamond mining can be very harmful to the soil, air and water. And it has also destructive impacts on the communities surrounding diamond mines. When you opt for lab grown diamonds, you are lowering your environmental footprint and choosing fair ethical practices. Furthermore, lab diamonds are not conflict diamonds. Which are diamond that are mined in the war zones, and used to finance this violence and conflict. 

Durability and Rarity 

The two factors — strength and rarity — will tell you everything you need to know about how to select a diamond. Natural diamonds are formed deep underground over millions of years, which is what makes them rare. They are also the hardest and most durable of all gemstones making them ideal for engagement rings or other special jewelry. Synthetic or lab-grown diamonds are now preferred because they mimic the quality and durability of natural stones however they come at a more cost-effective price point. Since they are also more plentiful, this makes them a significantly more sustainable option. Real diamonds, however, aren't a fake diamond close relation best long-lasting. With time, they might get chipped, scratched or lose their luster. In addition, simulated diamonds are less rare than natural or lab-grown diamonds, assuaging their value. 

Explore our extensive lab-grown diamond inventory now!

White and fancy color lab-grown diamonds in various sizes and shapes;
Offered as certified/uncertified stones, matched pairs, and calibrated parcels.