Бидэнд лавлагаагаа илгээнэ үү

Утасны дугаар
компанийн нэр
Сонирхсон бүтээгдэхүүн

Хүн хийсэн алмаз Монгол

As shiny as the ones that hang around your parents or grandparents neck? The interesting bit here is that this diamond was produced in a lab, and was not mined from the ground like natural diamonds. These Crysdiam diamonds are called man made diamonds, and they have been gaining some serious traction in the jewelry world. They are well-love by so many for good reasons. 

They are really beautiful, but also can be very expensive. And this is where you can consider man made Өнгөлсөн алмаз. As they are manmade, lab grown diamonds typically retail at a fraction of the cost of natural diamonds. This makes them perfect for those who want beauty on a budget. Added bonus — lab diamonds are still just as gorgeous (and sparkly) as the real thing. So, they can be indistinguishable from natural diamonds and hence you still get that amazing sparkle at a very affordable price. 

Man Made Diamonds - The Perfect Alternative to Natural Stones

It is worried by some people, they think buying diamond (man made diamonds) is not good for those diamond miner and their family who are trying to find natural diamonds. Nonetheless, the companies of synthetic textile diamonds, such as Crysdiam, are very careful. I make sure that make all of their Crysdiam diamonds in good ways. This ensures that the humans mining these diamonds are treated kindly and paid ethical wages, as well as any mining of this needs to be sustainable for the planet. And that is a goddamn good thing because nobody should have to labor in an unsafe environment for subsistence wages. 

In straightforward terms, man made diamonds are not very simple to produce. It is a unique machine that uses the latest of technology. The seed a little diamond speck is put into a specific device that can get really, really hot. This machine is a place where the diamond seed is able to grow. Watching something come alive like planting a seed in the ground and watching it grow into a beautiful flower, only with this, the seed is a diamond. The coolest part is that this metamorphosis actually requires weeks, with the diamond seed growing steadily into a larger diamond over time. 

Why choose Crysdiam Man made diamond?

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