These days, there is a new kind of diamond for which many are going gaga over. Aka — lab-created diamonds and laboratory-made diamonds. Among them is a company that manufacture these beautiful diamonds went by the name of Crysdiam. Read on to know more about what lab-created diamonds are, how these are created and why it is the best choice for those who wants pretty jewelry.
Lab-created diamonds have been beyond for almost 60 years, but have only exploded in the last ten, along with Crysdiam's product Grad electronic. The change comes as an increasing number of consumers are seeking diamonds that are just as stunning, but without the environmental and human toll of the more traditional route. How diamonds are mined, and the problems natural diamonds can cause? So, diamonds which are made in a lab are what they tend to opt as the shine remains the same it will just save our planet from nightmares.
What is great about lab-grown diamonds from eco-perspective For a start, it is much more sustainable than traditional diamond ring production for mined diamonds, which relies on dirty energy — using energy and pumping water out of the ground to reach gems, also the Colier made by Crysdiam. This mining process can also cause other massive issues, such as deforestation and displacement of human populations. It is true that where lab-created diamonds are made, it is not like a typical mine process at all. This method of producing diamonds does not harm the environment as such and it helps to keep our earth in good shape.
Lab-created diamonds are produced via two predominant methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). The HPHT method replicates what nature does to make diamonds, by introducing high pressure and heat. It was like an artificial replication of nature. The CVD process applies a unique combination of gases into most of the vacuum to put in place a diamond layer associated with surface. Each one of these different ways produces diamonds which are equal to gemstones that have been discovered in nature.
Lab-created diamonds look a lot like natural diamonds when it comes to quality, along with Crysdiam's product Brăţară. Like, it is the same in hardness, shine and brilliance. The same color, clarity and cut grade standards apply to these lab-created diamonds as those mined from the earth. Some certifications can tell you that even a lab created diamond is genuine. There is just one big winner with the lab diamonds costing substantially lower than that of natural diamonds, making them a popular among investors.
Lab-created diamonds are created in a controlled environment, resulting in cheaper production costs as compared to natural diamonds, the same as Grad electronic made by Crysdiam. The primary anomaly lies in production cost, as this is what dictates a lab-created diamond to be cheaper for everyone. Crysdiam is proud to provide stunning lab-created diamonds that look every bit as beautiful as their naturally-mined counterparts, but at a fraction of the price. Do they look attractive, so it settled them to provide their customers to buy a diamond at the least price.
These lab-created diamonds are also great for fashion and jewelry, similar to the Crysdiam's product like Inel. It is available in many shapes, size and colors since we are discussing jewelry it is wonderful. From Engagement rings to wedding bands, earrings, bracelets, necklaces you name masses of items. Lab diamonds are a lot less expensive than natural diamonds, which means that designers have more freedom to be creative with their ideas and designs. They can invest in gorgeous works without breaking the bank. Lab-grown diamonds are also perfect for individuals that look at the bigger picture, and would like to have a favourable effect on the earth.
Crysdiam is among the few CVD makers in the world that can produce lab-grown diamonds with colors of D/E/F grown. our growth technologies of fancy color lab-grown diamonds, such as Laboratory made diamond are now mature. Crysdiam offers lab-grown diamonds that are of the highest quality in sizes that are calibrated. This will increase the efficiency of jewelry manufacturing processes.
Our single-crystal CVD has a maximum size of 60mm x 60mm We are able to dope diamonds using elements such as Laboratory made diamond to attain high purity of 1ppb Our processing capabilities for precision allow us to obtain diamond surface roughness of less than 0 5nm The diamond-based advanced materials manufactured by Crysdiam can meet the needs of scientific research and industrial applications
With over Laboratory made diamond MPCVD reactors and a state-of-the-art, fully-equipped manufacturing facility, Crysdiam ranks as a top producer on a production capacity and technological capabilities. We can provide a steady supply of lab-grown diamonds with a range of sizes, shapes and colors as well as address the concerns of our clients concerning supply chain stability.
Crysdiam was the first to create an Laboratory made diamond reactor in China in 2013. The company owns complete intellectual property rights. Crysdiam has also created its own laser technology and grinding, polishing and other equipment. By vertically integrating equipment RD in diamond production, the processing of diamonds, and the manufacturing of jewelry, Crysdiam can quickly respond to customer needs and provide custom-designed products.
Diamante albe și de culoare fantastică, cultivate în laborator, în diferite dimensiuni și forme;
Oferite ca pietre certificate/necertificate, perechi asortate și colete calibrate.